30 August, 2006

The Trail to the End of the Enchanted Forest

In a previous Entry I wrote about my Friend, "Wandering Albatross'' who was having his next Appt in Hobart with the Specialist to see how far his MS had progressed.
Well, that time has now past.
We have driven to Hobart and back.
The period of waiting was over.
Life can continue on an optimistic note again!
But this Appt was only a quarter of the time we were in Hobart. We had a whole weekend to spend at our leisure.
No Appts,
No medicals,
No Things related to MS!!
Time was ours!
Destination Huon Valley, to spend a weekend with 2 Dear Friends who lived up in the Winding Roads and Forests of the Huon Valley. To a place surrounded by trees that touched the Sun each day. A place where life is simple yet very comfortable. A Place where one felt very relaxed, to be able to sit surrounded by peace & calm, where nothing of you was expected!
Here was a small patch of the Earth that was a Place of Beauty. You could hear your inner Being expressing itself freely, letting those close by experience this wonderous feeling also. Allowing yourself to be free of any barriers that the outside world dictated. Time to just let ones energy be expressed as One.
This was more than just a weekend away in The Huon Valley. This was a weekend where time was irrelevant, where life became One with those who's Souls connected in a Place of Beauty.
I may be back at my daily existence now, but my Heart and Soul have connected to a Place where Love, Peace & Beauty shine every day. My thoughts, My Spirit share this Place now, and I know that they are received there.
My Mind, My Soul, My whole being has begun to rediscover itself since leaving Melbourne over 4 months ago.
It is indeed a Journey on the Highway of Life, and I am enjoying where this Journey is taking me so far.

21 August, 2006

This existence of ours is as transient as autumn clouds,
To watch the birth and death of beings is like looking at the movements of a dance.
A lifetime is like a flash of lightning in the sky, rushing by, like a torrent down a steep mountain.

This day is a special day, It is yours.
Yesterday slipped away, It cannot be filled with more meaning.
About tomorrow nothing is known.
But this day, today, is yours, make use of it.
Today you can make someone happy.
Today you can help another.
This day is a special day, It is yours.


Recently on this Blogsite, I wrote about my Dear Friend who has MS.
I said, to quote myself,
"To my dear "Wandering Albatross", you too live life with Courage under Fire, but you have never let that Fire consume your Soul!And may it never do so!"
It has been 2 weeks since he had his MRI scans in Hobart.
Next Monday is his appointment day with the Specialist.
What will these scans reveal?
I will not know, nor will I be privy to these scans. This is my Friend's time. He will finally end the wait that I have been watching him sit though these last few weeks.
I can feel his emotions, wondering what the scans will reveal, what his body is doing within itself.
The new symptoms that have become a daily cycle of tiredness and discomfort, old symptoms that live as he breathes.
I watch
...... I see
.............I feel.
I cannot fix these pains, nor can I cure these symptoms. But is not my path to do that.
All I offer is my loving, caring friendship to share each day through to the next.
I will be travelling to Hobart with him.
Now is a time for being there....To just be there!
Now is a time when Courage is needed more than ever.
The Fire is raging, but your Soul remains strong.
"Fear not those who offer their Hand of Light, for time has come to be at One with All!"
Stay strong my Dear Friend.

When Heaven and Earth meet for the Last Time

Today I arrived at work after a break of 3 days
to find that one of my Old Ladies at work is now palliative, and only has hours to live.
Only last week I was chatting to her, through her muddled mind, talking about her old childhood times in Tullah. Tullah of the Old days, pre Hydro Dams, pre Hydro Dam Village, a time long gone.
Tullah at this stage of her mind was still the tiny Mountainous village, without roads in or out, with Tough Settlers in their wooden cottages, and a small train that was their only access out of their world. This tiny train is still there to remind visitors and locals alike, of what life was like for these old Settlers.
Once she passes on, another era will end. Tullah will reclaim another spirit.
A spirit that will be seen swirling over and around the mountains, like the ever presents mists. Spirits returning to their Home, being at one with their Mountains.

This Lady is a living link to a beautiful place I live in, a place she remembers from a long forgotten era.
A place where the mountains watch these ever changing scenes from their lofty eyes.

If only they could talk...

.... listen

.......... and they will tell you their story!

Life Reborn

Life reborn...

These beautiful Daffodils have pushed their way up from the cold ground and declaring their arrival by the most wonderful colours, designs, and beauty.

19 August, 2006

What is Buddhism?

"A Religion, A Philosophy, Discipline of the Mind, a way of life. The Buddhist Path is a personal experience of achieving deep and long-lasting happiness by gaining wisdom and a mind free of negative emotions. This can only happen if we cultivate positive practices and realise the benefits of doing so."
I discovered this quote in a Buddhist Text recently which explained Buddhism in a very simplistic way. I have always wondered why I have never connected to organised religion, but now I have a greater knowledge base to understand why I think the way I do, and be able to understand my inner voice that I used to listen to as a Child.
I have never connected to organised religion as such since I can remember. I always found going to Church for whatever reason, Weddings, Funerals, and the like just plain "awful!" There seemed to be someone up the front telling me what to think, and what to believe in. Why can't I think for myself, and decide for myself what and how I believe in? This way of living wasn't for me I decided from an early age. I would sit through Religious education at School wriggling in my seat, determined to be the first out the door the second it finished.
My Mother is a Christian who has her own personal beliefs but never shares them with anyone else. She says it is for herself and herself alone!
My Father is not religious at all, but it is rumoured from long deceased Family members that his Mother and Great Grandmother were "alternative" religious people, commonly called "Faith Healers" today. She was a great believer in living ones own life as you see fit, and having a true respect for all People and Nature that surrounds you. I think this is where I have inherited this inner belief. My Father taught me those values he learnt from his Mother.
I was never Baptised!
I was "Confirmed" where my Parents vowed to bring me up as best they could, to be a person who valued and respected people, til I was 18 years old, where I was free to be my own person, and live my life as I choose.
Buddhism seems to be the closest "religion", so to speak, that reflects my inner thoughts and feelings. I find organised religion does the complete opposite to what I feel within me.
I rebel, and repel, all that organised religion teaches, preaches and dictates.
As the quote above states, Buddhism is a personal path of ones own mind. This is how I live, and will continue to live.
Some people ask me am I Buddhist? I say, well not really, I find I connect with Buddhist teachings very well, but I say I am more Spiritual. I have my own personal Beliefs and they are for me, and me alone.... on this Journey on my Highway through Life!

12 August, 2006

Cruising the Highway

I picked up Max from his Boarding Kennel this morning. He was so happy to see me and get into "his Car" for a drive. On the way back, I thought, What a beautiful sunny day, too good to be cooped up inside. So Max & I hopped into the Car and drove off to the Highway.
Which way to go?
Lets not care where, just wherever the car takes us. So onto the Highway we drove heading East.
Window down, fresh air blowing away the Winters damp air. Beautiful.

lets go there...
I remember being taken to the Beach months ago...It was so lovely there.
Max will love a run along the sand.

We found the beach area, and out we hopped.
It was so sunny, so warm, so calm, so peaceful. So few people around unlike in the Big Cities where the Beaches are often crowded.
There are dunes there that are still in their natural state, watching the ever changing sea, guarding its territory with a solid determination. There are large coastal shrubs there that have stood the test of time and shade the dunes with their umbrellas of twisted branches.

I lay down on the sand in the shrubs in the dunes. It was very warm, and I didn't want get sunburnt. AS I lay on the soft sand, it was like a soft bed. I let my senses go free, allowing nature to caress my body, feeling every part of me being touched to a rhythm that was electric. I let the energy of the moment flow over me, smelling its breeze, tasting its saltiness on my tongue. I was enjoying every second of this day.

But time does move on and Max & I had to drive back Home. But the images in my mind will bring me back to that magic place by the Sea.

11 August, 2006

What does tomorrow bring? Why wait! Lets live life TODAY!!

What does tomorrow bring?
If we could see our future?
What would we make of today?

I was thinking today, when I was at work, what does life give us on a daily basis. So many seem to worry about tomorrow...
..... what it will be like?,
.......... what events may occur?,
................what misfortunes may befall us all?

I work in a place that cares for our elderly and frail. Life here for them is a daily existence. Tomorrow is another day and for some, a world away. Most live in the moment, each hour a new one,
.......one that they are grateful for.

There was a new occupant in a Room today. She is considered 'young' by the average age of the Residents in this Place.
She looks normal.
She speaks normal.
She has no outward signs of anything out of the ordinary.
So why is She here with us in our place where time is almost still?

She has MS!

MS is Multiple Sclerosis, a disease that effects so many people worldwide, but has no known definite cause, nor "cure" to alleviate the sudden and variable symptoms.
I will not delve into what is MS, just do a search of MS on any search engine and you will find so many sites explaining what it is, and so forth.

Today, this Lady, made my heart stop for a brief period. I quivered for a minute. I was speechless. I didn't know what to say.

I thought, another MS person. Does this disease have no mercy?
I seem to be hearing of more MS diagnosis lately then ever before, or is it because technology can diagnose the symptoms more accurately than many years ago. Whatever is the case, I was baffled once again that MS has sprung up in my life yet again.
I was not angry, nor confused, just this feeling of yet another person who is in my presence with MS.
I think why MS, why not Cancer, or Muscular Dystrophy, but they have not been as prevalent. I cannot answer that question, but for some inner reason, I do not question Why.. I just say, they have come into my Life for a reason. And when I think that way, I feel happy, and I smile!

I have a beautiful, loving Friend who was diagnosed with MS.
I see how he lives, how he challenges each day, never letting the symptoms dictate his daily existence. I see his courage, his determinaton, that he is not the Disease, he is Himself! I see Him live each day as it comes, not worrying about tomorrow, for today is far too valued, and lives in the Moment. His pains are mostly hidden behind his Soul, a Soul that lives free and will never be dictated to, or told how to live!
I admire him for all I see, both outwardly, and within.

I have also been with other MS sufferers Interstate over the Years. They have been Neighbours, Friends, Workmates, and People I have cared for in my workplace. They all have one thing in common. They ALL lived for TODAY! They valued themselves, and their World they lived in. They loved their closeness to their Soul. They have been a wonderful inspiration to me over the Years.
And I believe it will continue for many more.

To those wonderful peolpe from my Past years, You have given me a Gift I have with me today. To Barb, Mary, & Helene to name only a few MS people, Thank You for coming into my Life and enriching it with your courage!
I wrote a saying upon the death of Barb many years ago.... "To be in the Company of a person who lived a life of Courage Under Fire!"

To my dear "Wandering Albatross", you too live life with Courage under Fire, but you have never let that Fire consume your Soul!
And may it never do so!
I discovered this quote today by The Dalai Lama.
I found his quote quite profound!
"The metaphor of light is a common image in all the major religious traditions. In the Buddhist context, light is particularly associated with wisdom and knowledge; darkness is associated with ignorance and a state of mis-knowledge."
- Tenzin Gyatso, His Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama

When two parts meet!

On a recent drive to the small Town of Penguin one sunny Monday, I came upon a discovery which both delighted and intrigued.

I have been to Penguin a few times in the past, and seen many new and wonderful things in that Town. But on this particular trip, I wandered down to the Beach for the first time, feeling the soft sand underfoot, seeing the waves wash over and around the rocks on the waters edge, looking out over the Waters of Bass Strait, thinking that Melbourne and my Old Life was just over the Horizon.

.....then I turned to look back at the Town from the waters edge. There in front of me was the Seawall, decorated by images, hand drawn images, on each concrete panel.
I counted 40 in total.
Each panel a different scene, all drawn from someones thoughts.

I thought this was wonderful, these large hand drawn images that decorated those drab grey walls of concrete. I had my camera with me, and began taking a photo of each panel! They are too good to not be photographed. One day a storm may wipe them away into history, or vandals erase their innocence!

I was about half way along the panels when I was approached by an elderly man. He asked Did I enjoy the pictures? I replied I think they are so wonderful and need to be photographed to preserve them for today, and for tomorrow and beyond. They were a lovely discovery, to see so many images that are unique, and tell a story as you walk along the sands viewing each image.

He thanked me for enjoying the drawings!

I wondered why?

Maybe he is a proud local of Penguin who enjoys his Town's visual artworks.

Then he told me he is the artist of all these images in front of me!!

Well I was amazed. How often does one admire artworks from out of the Blue, to suddenly meet the Artist, to put the images and the human aspect together in one beautiful location on a beautiful sunny Winters day in Tasmania.

It was a rare event for me, to meet a proud local who prided himself in what he has given the Community, for locals and visitors alike to enjoy his artworks, in a wonderful outdoor 'Gallery'.

He was so delighted to meet someone who thought that these images are worth every hour spent at the seawall.

As a gift in appreciation, I was given a book of his artworks recently published.

His price?

A love of the World!
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