30 August, 2006

The Trail to the End of the Enchanted Forest

In a previous Entry I wrote about my Friend, "Wandering Albatross'' who was having his next Appt in Hobart with the Specialist to see how far his MS had progressed.
Well, that time has now past.
We have driven to Hobart and back.
The period of waiting was over.
Life can continue on an optimistic note again!
But this Appt was only a quarter of the time we were in Hobart. We had a whole weekend to spend at our leisure.
No Appts,
No medicals,
No Things related to MS!!
Time was ours!
Destination Huon Valley, to spend a weekend with 2 Dear Friends who lived up in the Winding Roads and Forests of the Huon Valley. To a place surrounded by trees that touched the Sun each day. A place where life is simple yet very comfortable. A Place where one felt very relaxed, to be able to sit surrounded by peace & calm, where nothing of you was expected!
Here was a small patch of the Earth that was a Place of Beauty. You could hear your inner Being expressing itself freely, letting those close by experience this wonderous feeling also. Allowing yourself to be free of any barriers that the outside world dictated. Time to just let ones energy be expressed as One.
This was more than just a weekend away in The Huon Valley. This was a weekend where time was irrelevant, where life became One with those who's Souls connected in a Place of Beauty.
I may be back at my daily existence now, but my Heart and Soul have connected to a Place where Love, Peace & Beauty shine every day. My thoughts, My Spirit share this Place now, and I know that they are received there.
My Mind, My Soul, My whole being has begun to rediscover itself since leaving Melbourne over 4 months ago.
It is indeed a Journey on the Highway of Life, and I am enjoying where this Journey is taking me so far.


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