19 August, 2006

What is Buddhism?

"A Religion, A Philosophy, Discipline of the Mind, a way of life. The Buddhist Path is a personal experience of achieving deep and long-lasting happiness by gaining wisdom and a mind free of negative emotions. This can only happen if we cultivate positive practices and realise the benefits of doing so."
I discovered this quote in a Buddhist Text recently which explained Buddhism in a very simplistic way. I have always wondered why I have never connected to organised religion, but now I have a greater knowledge base to understand why I think the way I do, and be able to understand my inner voice that I used to listen to as a Child.
I have never connected to organised religion as such since I can remember. I always found going to Church for whatever reason, Weddings, Funerals, and the like just plain "awful!" There seemed to be someone up the front telling me what to think, and what to believe in. Why can't I think for myself, and decide for myself what and how I believe in? This way of living wasn't for me I decided from an early age. I would sit through Religious education at School wriggling in my seat, determined to be the first out the door the second it finished.
My Mother is a Christian who has her own personal beliefs but never shares them with anyone else. She says it is for herself and herself alone!
My Father is not religious at all, but it is rumoured from long deceased Family members that his Mother and Great Grandmother were "alternative" religious people, commonly called "Faith Healers" today. She was a great believer in living ones own life as you see fit, and having a true respect for all People and Nature that surrounds you. I think this is where I have inherited this inner belief. My Father taught me those values he learnt from his Mother.
I was never Baptised!
I was "Confirmed" where my Parents vowed to bring me up as best they could, to be a person who valued and respected people, til I was 18 years old, where I was free to be my own person, and live my life as I choose.
Buddhism seems to be the closest "religion", so to speak, that reflects my inner thoughts and feelings. I find organised religion does the complete opposite to what I feel within me.
I rebel, and repel, all that organised religion teaches, preaches and dictates.
As the quote above states, Buddhism is a personal path of ones own mind. This is how I live, and will continue to live.
Some people ask me am I Buddhist? I say, well not really, I find I connect with Buddhist teachings very well, but I say I am more Spiritual. I have my own personal Beliefs and they are for me, and me alone.... on this Journey on my Highway through Life!


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