09 February, 2007

Tullah Magic


A small Village tucked away in the Wilderness region of The West Coast of Tasmania.
Its a former Hydro Village and Pioneer Settlement Village.
Surrounded on all sides are Mountains, Lakes, Rivers, Creeks, and Wilderness.

Tullah is a place that I find allows you to find time to rest, a Place where you can wind down, re-connect with Nature, and feel rejuvenated again. Its a rare place that can do this.
Tullah is one such Place.

Recently I had my Friend Gary stay with me in Tullah.
He had been on a whirlwind driving tour of 4 States and 1 Territory in Australia.
He arrived in Burnie where I met up with him, before we drove down to Tullah for a week.

From the moment he arrived in Tullah, tiredness set in big time.
For nearly 3 days Gary rested, slept and let Nature re-energise him after such a hectic Touring schedule the last few months.
I had no agenda for him, no Tourist drives, no rush to be anywhere, just let each day arrive and allow him to rest & recover.
We did do some short drives to the nearby Lakes, Dams & Mountains, where Mother Nature allowed us to see a wonderful rare sight in the form of 2 Platypus in Lake Murchison. No Zoo scene here, just these 2 wonderful creatures in their natural habitat. How excited was I.. I have never seen Platypus this way before.
Another wildlife moment at Lake MacIntosh also arose, in the form of a small snake sunning itself on the dam wall. Now I nearly freaked Gary out with my shrieks.. as I am no fan of snakes, big or small.
I did allow myself to get close enough to photograph the small snake, but in the time it takes to click the shutter ..I was gone!!! Gary was quite amuse at my sudden loss of sanity for a brief moment!!

For the remainder of Gary's visit, he rested, was fed home cooked meals, rested, watched TV, rested, and allowed his mind, Body & Soul to recover from a period of Fast Paced Living.

Tullah's magic was working!
Gary left feeling, and looking, brighter and re-energised.
You have taken a small part of Tullah with you, no matter where you are you will have that in you to remind you of where you were.

Gary, May you reap the benefits of your "Harvest" as told by the Universe.

Tullah, So far from anywhere, so close to the Soul.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sure Gary shrieked a bit when he saw the snake, as well as you!


8:50 am  
Blogger Lindsay said...

Oh just a bit, he did wonder what all the noise was coming out of my mouth, albeit it a bit shrieked .. I am no good with snakes.. they just send me into oblivion!!

1:32 pm  

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