19 February, 2007

The Sound of 2 silent footsteps

This morning my Dear Friend Gary departed Australian soil to return back home to London, with a few days stopover in Hong Kong.

Although I only met him here in Tas, his online Journal of his amazing travels around Australia made me feel as if I had known him, and travelled with him all these months since his arrival.

Gary, your stay here in Tullah was enjoyed on such a deep level. Memories like that will stay with me a very very long time. Serenity, Rest, Peace, and Nature all allowed you to slow down, a time of relaxation and calmness.

Your footsteps echo around the House in Tullah, and the Unit in Burnie still, a sound of comfort to this day.

Now those footsteps are silent, not just here in Tas, but now all over Australia. Your walks on our soil have not gone unnoticed. We see your wonderful photos in your online Journal, we know you were there, walking, searching, seeing, and experiencing our Country, our varied and beautiful rugged Southern Land we call Australia.

The silent sounds of your footsteps can still be heard, always present, always there. You may have left our shores now, Gary, but your Soul, and your Soles still remain. Spirit walks in many ways and in many directions here, your footsteps have joined them, to forever walk our Land, to be enjoyed eternally.

To quote you from your last Online Aussie Entry....
"To my very special, spiritual new friend Lindsay in Tullah, Tasmania. You are one in a million and I’m so fortunate to count you among my friends. We’ll be close friends, no matter how far apart we are and I thank you."

I thank you too for your Friendship, a very valued and beautiful person, and it has been an absolute pleasure to have had this opportunity to meet you and allow you to experience a place that is so wonderful, a place called Tasmania.

Bon Voyage Mate!!!

(Pic reproduced with kind permission from Gary Himself )


Blogger Unknown said...

You honour me hugely my friend, but that second pic of me has got to go! hehe

Were you flying alongside my plane? That's amazing as that's the exact route we took and is of course a 747. :)

10:50 pm  
Blogger Lindsay said...

The second pic will be changed, to your better one taken in Sydney (or you will whack me one with your Lens) :-)

Seemed an appropriate Qantas pic for you.

11:08 pm  

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