11 August, 2006

What does tomorrow bring? Why wait! Lets live life TODAY!!

What does tomorrow bring?
If we could see our future?
What would we make of today?

I was thinking today, when I was at work, what does life give us on a daily basis. So many seem to worry about tomorrow...
..... what it will be like?,
.......... what events may occur?,
................what misfortunes may befall us all?

I work in a place that cares for our elderly and frail. Life here for them is a daily existence. Tomorrow is another day and for some, a world away. Most live in the moment, each hour a new one,
.......one that they are grateful for.

There was a new occupant in a Room today. She is considered 'young' by the average age of the Residents in this Place.
She looks normal.
She speaks normal.
She has no outward signs of anything out of the ordinary.
So why is She here with us in our place where time is almost still?

She has MS!

MS is Multiple Sclerosis, a disease that effects so many people worldwide, but has no known definite cause, nor "cure" to alleviate the sudden and variable symptoms.
I will not delve into what is MS, just do a search of MS on any search engine and you will find so many sites explaining what it is, and so forth.

Today, this Lady, made my heart stop for a brief period. I quivered for a minute. I was speechless. I didn't know what to say.

I thought, another MS person. Does this disease have no mercy?
I seem to be hearing of more MS diagnosis lately then ever before, or is it because technology can diagnose the symptoms more accurately than many years ago. Whatever is the case, I was baffled once again that MS has sprung up in my life yet again.
I was not angry, nor confused, just this feeling of yet another person who is in my presence with MS.
I think why MS, why not Cancer, or Muscular Dystrophy, but they have not been as prevalent. I cannot answer that question, but for some inner reason, I do not question Why.. I just say, they have come into my Life for a reason. And when I think that way, I feel happy, and I smile!

I have a beautiful, loving Friend who was diagnosed with MS.
I see how he lives, how he challenges each day, never letting the symptoms dictate his daily existence. I see his courage, his determinaton, that he is not the Disease, he is Himself! I see Him live each day as it comes, not worrying about tomorrow, for today is far too valued, and lives in the Moment. His pains are mostly hidden behind his Soul, a Soul that lives free and will never be dictated to, or told how to live!
I admire him for all I see, both outwardly, and within.

I have also been with other MS sufferers Interstate over the Years. They have been Neighbours, Friends, Workmates, and People I have cared for in my workplace. They all have one thing in common. They ALL lived for TODAY! They valued themselves, and their World they lived in. They loved their closeness to their Soul. They have been a wonderful inspiration to me over the Years.
And I believe it will continue for many more.

To those wonderful peolpe from my Past years, You have given me a Gift I have with me today. To Barb, Mary, & Helene to name only a few MS people, Thank You for coming into my Life and enriching it with your courage!
I wrote a saying upon the death of Barb many years ago.... "To be in the Company of a person who lived a life of Courage Under Fire!"

To my dear "Wandering Albatross", you too live life with Courage under Fire, but you have never let that Fire consume your Soul!
And may it never do so!


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