21 August, 2006

When Heaven and Earth meet for the Last Time

Today I arrived at work after a break of 3 days
to find that one of my Old Ladies at work is now palliative, and only has hours to live.
Only last week I was chatting to her, through her muddled mind, talking about her old childhood times in Tullah. Tullah of the Old days, pre Hydro Dams, pre Hydro Dam Village, a time long gone.
Tullah at this stage of her mind was still the tiny Mountainous village, without roads in or out, with Tough Settlers in their wooden cottages, and a small train that was their only access out of their world. This tiny train is still there to remind visitors and locals alike, of what life was like for these old Settlers.
Once she passes on, another era will end. Tullah will reclaim another spirit.
A spirit that will be seen swirling over and around the mountains, like the ever presents mists. Spirits returning to their Home, being at one with their Mountains.

This Lady is a living link to a beautiful place I live in, a place she remembers from a long forgotten era.
A place where the mountains watch these ever changing scenes from their lofty eyes.

If only they could talk...

.... listen

.......... and they will tell you their story!


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