21 August, 2006


Recently on this Blogsite, I wrote about my Dear Friend who has MS.
I said, to quote myself,
"To my dear "Wandering Albatross", you too live life with Courage under Fire, but you have never let that Fire consume your Soul!And may it never do so!"
It has been 2 weeks since he had his MRI scans in Hobart.
Next Monday is his appointment day with the Specialist.
What will these scans reveal?
I will not know, nor will I be privy to these scans. This is my Friend's time. He will finally end the wait that I have been watching him sit though these last few weeks.
I can feel his emotions, wondering what the scans will reveal, what his body is doing within itself.
The new symptoms that have become a daily cycle of tiredness and discomfort, old symptoms that live as he breathes.
I watch
...... I see
.............I feel.
I cannot fix these pains, nor can I cure these symptoms. But is not my path to do that.
All I offer is my loving, caring friendship to share each day through to the next.
I will be travelling to Hobart with him.
Now is a time for being there....To just be there!
Now is a time when Courage is needed more than ever.
The Fire is raging, but your Soul remains strong.
"Fear not those who offer their Hand of Light, for time has come to be at One with All!"
Stay strong my Dear Friend.


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