11 August, 2006

When two parts meet!

On a recent drive to the small Town of Penguin one sunny Monday, I came upon a discovery which both delighted and intrigued.

I have been to Penguin a few times in the past, and seen many new and wonderful things in that Town. But on this particular trip, I wandered down to the Beach for the first time, feeling the soft sand underfoot, seeing the waves wash over and around the rocks on the waters edge, looking out over the Waters of Bass Strait, thinking that Melbourne and my Old Life was just over the Horizon.

.....then I turned to look back at the Town from the waters edge. There in front of me was the Seawall, decorated by images, hand drawn images, on each concrete panel.
I counted 40 in total.
Each panel a different scene, all drawn from someones thoughts.

I thought this was wonderful, these large hand drawn images that decorated those drab grey walls of concrete. I had my camera with me, and began taking a photo of each panel! They are too good to not be photographed. One day a storm may wipe them away into history, or vandals erase their innocence!

I was about half way along the panels when I was approached by an elderly man. He asked Did I enjoy the pictures? I replied I think they are so wonderful and need to be photographed to preserve them for today, and for tomorrow and beyond. They were a lovely discovery, to see so many images that are unique, and tell a story as you walk along the sands viewing each image.

He thanked me for enjoying the drawings!

I wondered why?

Maybe he is a proud local of Penguin who enjoys his Town's visual artworks.

Then he told me he is the artist of all these images in front of me!!

Well I was amazed. How often does one admire artworks from out of the Blue, to suddenly meet the Artist, to put the images and the human aspect together in one beautiful location on a beautiful sunny Winters day in Tasmania.

It was a rare event for me, to meet a proud local who prided himself in what he has given the Community, for locals and visitors alike to enjoy his artworks, in a wonderful outdoor 'Gallery'.

He was so delighted to meet someone who thought that these images are worth every hour spent at the seawall.

As a gift in appreciation, I was given a book of his artworks recently published.

His price?

A love of the World!


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