12 August, 2006

Cruising the Highway

I picked up Max from his Boarding Kennel this morning. He was so happy to see me and get into "his Car" for a drive. On the way back, I thought, What a beautiful sunny day, too good to be cooped up inside. So Max & I hopped into the Car and drove off to the Highway.
Which way to go?
Lets not care where, just wherever the car takes us. So onto the Highway we drove heading East.
Window down, fresh air blowing away the Winters damp air. Beautiful.

lets go there...
I remember being taken to the Beach months ago...It was so lovely there.
Max will love a run along the sand.

We found the beach area, and out we hopped.
It was so sunny, so warm, so calm, so peaceful. So few people around unlike in the Big Cities where the Beaches are often crowded.
There are dunes there that are still in their natural state, watching the ever changing sea, guarding its territory with a solid determination. There are large coastal shrubs there that have stood the test of time and shade the dunes with their umbrellas of twisted branches.

I lay down on the sand in the shrubs in the dunes. It was very warm, and I didn't want get sunburnt. AS I lay on the soft sand, it was like a soft bed. I let my senses go free, allowing nature to caress my body, feeling every part of me being touched to a rhythm that was electric. I let the energy of the moment flow over me, smelling its breeze, tasting its saltiness on my tongue. I was enjoying every second of this day.

But time does move on and Max & I had to drive back Home. But the images in my mind will bring me back to that magic place by the Sea.


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