22 January, 2007

Boarding and ready to Depart

My Journey begins!


Can you see me?

...... Rhuari ........

(A couple of Pics I took of my Friend departing Tassie for his Journey to Scotland)

21 January, 2007

H'Air Today, Th'Air tomorrow

Air travel!
It still amazes me how Aircraft so big, can lift off the ground, and fly for hours, staying aloft where clouds are your only source of company!!

People can be in one country one day, and then way across the World the next.

..........and this is where my Dear Friend is now.
He left Tassie on Thursday, arriving at the Airport ready to face the Journey he was about to embark on.

He was off to Scotland. His ancestral place of being!!
On Friday evening he was in Scotland. Only seemed like a few hours ago I had dropped him off at the Airport. Now he was Thousands of Kilometres away, another Hemisphere, another world away from Tasmania.
Just amazing really!!

For another Dear friend, it is the reverse! He is now here in Australia. Another world away from his Home turf in England, halway across the World, walking on new soil, living with new & wonderful sights, sounds and experiences.

Air Travel............... it has allowed these two Friends to be across the world, to places they want to be in, places that are creating fantastic memories that will be their most treasured moments.

20 January, 2007

Dew look closer

I was out in the garden one morning and noticed the early morning sunlight on the dew droplets on these flowers.

They are so small but yet so visually beautiful when looked at closely. Here are a few examples of what was in the garden that morning!

11 January, 2007

Fire Lit Skies

My last Blog entry was a bit of a 'low' one, but today I am feeling much improved. There are times when all you need is some Time Out to sit and think , without any distractions from the external world. I was able to settle my mind, and be able to think ahead again clearer than that day I wrote about. Time is change, and the Change has arrived. Change challenges us every day, every week, and every hour. Now I feel 'alive' again. Time to move ahead with open mind.

I was sitting in my Unit today, feeling the warm north wind blow into the room from the open door.
I could smell smoke!!
The sky had a smoky tinge, that orangy light that shines when smoke is around.
I felt a sudden surge of 'panic'............................BUSHFIRE!!

I always find the smell of Bushfire smoke somewhat unsettling. I discovered that this smoke was from the Bushfires in Eastern Victoria, that was drifting over Bass Strait to Northern Tasmania.
I feel for the communities there that are battling the daily threat of the Bushfires flaring out of control again. Then I heard on the News that a large Bushfire was burning in the Adelaide Hills, near Mt Bold. I know that area, and could picture the surrounding farmland and scrub up in flames.
I have had a few experiences with Bushfires in the Adelaide Hills when I lived in Adelaide. Living with the never ending threat of a Bushfire wrecking havoc on Hills Communities every Summer. It was life there, Summer meant hot dry days, the land so dry a single spark could set off a raging Bushfire at any minute.
This is Southern Australia in Summer, the threat of Bushfires a constant reminder on our vast dry Continent.
I was thinking today that when I heard of the Bushfire in the Adelaide Hills, I felt very unsettled!
What made me feel so unsettled when I am far across the Sea here in Tasmania?..........
.......and the same memory comes back!

ASH WEDNESDAY .. February 1983, SA & Victoria Bushfires!
It was one of the worst series of Bushfires to wreck havoc in 2 States on that day. Property, Livestock, People, Communities devastated. The Fires were angry Bushfires, roaring winds and huge flames some describe as Fire Tornadoes, moving so fast that Firetrucks could not outrun these flames. People died in 2 States, 76 in total, many more injured & burnt, countless people homeless. Was it going to end? The world where I lived seemed to be in turmoil.
I lived in rural SA at that time, on the Family Farm on the border region of SA & Victoria. We lived 32 kms from the nearest large Town.
I remember that day the Fires started, it was a nasty morning with extremely hot north winds blowing before sunrise. I was off to school on the school bus, it was a 32km trip into town, and already the Bus was hot.
Inside school, the lights and air con kept dimming and flickering most of the day. It was roaring a gale outside still, and it was getting dusty.
A duststorm! I wasn't surprised it was a duststorm, as the land was parched and grassless, all it would take was a puff of wind and soil would blow away.
Now it was very dusty outside, the air becoming gritty and heavy to breathe.
Then we noticed that the Police had arrived at school, staff would leave the rooms and come back looking nervous. We were told that school would close early and everyone was to go straight home. The thick duststorm was one reason given, but then we were told a bushfire was burning near Lucindale and out of control, then told of the bushfires burning out of control in the Adelaide Hills and around Melbourne. The Lucindale Fire was a concern as the wild winds had become erratic and could send the fire anywhere.
So school ended that day early, and staff & students headed home to the various places around the region. On the school bus home visibility had become worse with soil from paddocks blowing thickly across the road. The bus driver had to crawl along the road and when she felt the front wheel hit gravel knew she had gone off the road. this was the drive home that day on the school bus. Very white knuckle time.
When I arrived home, Mum & Dad were inside with the TV on and the radio on listening to the broadcasts of the Fires around SA & Victoria.
They looked very concerned at what they were watching on TV.
My Dad's Sister had taken the Train to Adelaide that day and this train was stuck in the Adelaide Hills surrounded by scrubland and trees going up in flames.
The Lucindale fire had now moved south rapidly and was burning out of control in Pine Plantations and Farmland. Townships in the region were evacuated, Large towns put on emergency evacuation warnings. Thick smoke and thick dust was absolutely horrendous. The Farm was covered in thick smoke and dust. Sudden wind changes kept everyone guessing what would happen next. Firefronts would suddenly change direction with a sudden wind change, and luckily bypass each major town in its path. Now the firefronts were heading north, and the smoke was terrible. The wild winds were knocking the trees around the House & garden badly. sticks and limbs landing anywhere. I could hear the Horses in the next paddock, so I decided to take a box of apples to them to help calm them. Dad did not want them to suddenly stampede and run into the fences. I wandered out into the paddock in near total smoke blindness, finally finding the horses huddled together. They seemed pleased to see me, walking near me and almost hugging me. I gave them their apples which seemed to keep them settled.

Then I went to go Home!!

............ I am lost!

......................I am disorientated out here in the smoke and dust and wild winds.
It is the worst feeling of being disorientated and unable to figure out where you are.
No sense of direction!
You almost feel as you are about to panic, as the wind was howling so you couldn't hear the Farm life, you couldn't see the Farm Buildings, the smoke & Dust was too thick and made you cough, and your eyes sting!
Where is Home??
........................................a moment of sheer fear comes!! Then I thought..NO!
Walk til you find the fence. I have walked this fence many times, I will know which way to go when I find it!!
That was my way Home. I followed the fence. I came to the Gate and felt this huge feeling of relief! Home at last!
There inside the House Mum had packed clothes and Blankets by the door for an immediate evacuate if called for. The radio had our area on standby as the fire front was down south and heading north.
It was a long day, and a longer night. The red glow that could be seen down south was an eerie and unsettling one!
Now I find myself wondering what happened next, but I cannot remember how the firefront was contained. We did not leave the Farm that day, instead listening to the radio, and watching TV for further updates.
I think by this time I had found the whole fire experience somewhat too overwhelming, and seem to have buried the final ending to the day in my memory cells somewhere. I do remember days afterwards everyone seemed to be in a state of shock, and subdued to the events that unfolded before us. The lingering smell of smoke lasted for weeks over the whole region.
My Family & I drove to Adelaide 2 weeks later for my Grandparents wedding Anniversary, and I remember seeing the devastation and melted highway poles and railings, then seeing burnt out housing areas on the trip into the City. I could not imagine how anyone could have coped in the Hills, or anywhere on that day!

The feeling of being completely at a loss in these situations, is what I think I felt when the Fires were at their peak, and wrecking havoc across the country!
Nature was in full fury, and humans were not in charge that day!!

So my nervousness when I smell smoke from a Bushfire stems from this period in my life. There have been many Bushfires since Ash Wednesday, some just as devastating to the area they were in. (Canberra, Sydney, etc). But to have lived through one of these powerful events, has left a memory imprint within my Soul. One that is still alive to this day!

I have to say, that this is the first time I have written about my experience from Ash Wednesday 1983. Most people don't seem to want to hear what I experienced that day. It was a long time ago, but still as clear as each day dawns for me. This is my way of expressing my inner thoughts, to let my inner feelings come forth to the outside world, flowing deep from within my Soul where they have been stored for 24 years.
This is why Bushfires today, from a single whiff of bushfire smoke, or news of a Fire in a region I know well, makes me falter on the inside.
I think this feeling makes me more alert to Bushfire smoke and the threat of Bushfire to our communities now. Many are complacent with Bushfires, never having lived through times where you think Life has become Hell on Earth!

It is almost a year, Jan 26th 2006 that A Fire on Mt Farrell in Tullah roared up the Mountain, sending smoke over the Township, and flames roaring way up the steep inclines, burning trees and scrub to ash. You could see the flames climb the mountainside from Lounge windows in Tullah. See smoke rise to the Sun. Flames coming close to dwellings yet not burning them down. It was a close call, and today you can still see the blackened scars of that fire on the hillside as you drive in from the North.

To all our readers, please spare a thought for all our Fire fighting people out there tonight, all the volunteers, their Families, the Communities who are giving all they have, and more, to see that we are kept safe, and our properties safe from these Bushfires that are still burning in SA, Victoria & NSW as I write this tonight. These people are truly worthy of all they do for us!!

09 January, 2007

The Speed of Change

I sit here tonight feeling very strange.

Strange in a way where I feel somewhat "lost." Since Max and his Other Daddy left to go Home to the Huon Valley, I have been pondering what has happened since I left South Yarra over 9 months ago.
A new lifestyle, a new place of Work, new Residences, new people, new sights & sounds, new concepts.

All these factors have been happening at a rapid pace since I moved south. I do not regret moving out of Melbourne to this amazing Island State. I continuously see each day here as a wonderful blessing.

But my mind has suddenly slowed somewhat, and all the memories of the past have flooded back, to rise up in my consciousness, and confuse my daily thoughts.

I have been processing all that has passed before me here in Tasmania since my arrival to today.. and my mind has been 'challenged' with all the rapid changes.
All the new adventures and places visited, new people met and now regarded as my Friends, new ideas and concepts to challenge me. Life has moved on since Melbourne, but sometimes one needs time to process the changes before we can move on mentally.

Life is change, and change is Life.

Time will pass, and I will move forward again. I do not stop moving forward, but there are times when a slow pace is needed to see things more clearly, a pace where you can think!

I will not stop thinking!

Nor stop enjoying Life !!

Nor the desire to be able to share Life with a fellow traveller on this amazing Journey we do each & every day of our existence!!

08 January, 2007

To whom I see!

I see......

I feel.............

I hear...................

Never far.......................

Always Close.........................

No matter where...............................

Distance ............ Only by Touch ................. not by Thought!

A Second Thought .............................. "On Second Thought"

New Life

This is a fern leaf I discovered in the Garden fully laden with Spores.

Millions of spores that one day will drift off with the Winds, landing on new Ground, germinating into whole new Ferns.

The Life Cycle of Nature continues!!


Emotions are like the Weather, forever changing, making one feel calm or wild, cool or warm, never the same.

Today has been one busy and Emotional rollercoaster ride for me.

It began yesterday afternoon, down in Tullah. I had packed up my things and Max's things for our drive up to Burnie. I was rostered to work an early shift the next day.
Plus my Friends Family were descending on Tullah for a weeks family gathering, making it one busy Place!!
AS the last Family member arrived in Tullah, the weather closed in and it became wild, wet & Windy. I thought ..hmmmm.. its a bit too rough to be driving up tonight.
A revision of plan!!
An early wake up and a drive to Burnie this morning was the Plan!!
So at 4:30am off Max & I drove back.

After my shift had finished at Midday, I had a nice R&R time with Max.
At 4:20pm, Max's Other Daddy was due to arrive back in Tas at the Airport.

As time progressed, we arrived at the Airport to collect Other Daddy.
Max was so excited when Other Daddy walked out the arrivals door... His little Tail wagging at the speed of sound !!!!

Back at the Unit we all had some down time, relaxing with some home cooked Dinner, good coffee, and a catch up chat.

Then THAT time arrived!!

Max & Other Daddy loaded up the Car. Max hopped in his Car and then they drove off back to the Huon Valley, back to his Home.

I am always an emotional wreck when someone leaves, but this time I was not just sad, I was also happy.
Happy that Max was going Home to a place he absolutely loves. His Holiday to Burnie & Tullah had come to an end.

This is what we had planned for Max, to have two Homes, two places to be loved in, two places he can be just as he is....... MAX!!

I now sit here with some lovely memories of my time with Max..

..........................but a few tears are coming forth too. (Tissues)

06 January, 2007

To look, then see the Garden

I was out in the garden today after it had rained heavily overnight. It was a cool morning with all the garden covered in rain drops, that still hung to most of the flowers and plants.

To see what Nature offers is truly beautiful. Here I saw the centre of a succulent covered in spiderwebs, a home to one of our many creatures that live in the garden.

The next pic is one of raindrops still attached to the Flower petals of a Poppy in Flower. The design created from nature itself.

Next is a pansy Flower that has the most amazing colours. Both vivid Orange and Purple that have created a visual display that your eye can't miss no matter where you look.

Look at your Garden if you have one, or just look at a Garden on your daily wanders. See, then look at what nature has offered you.

Hard at work!

Hello everyone.. I am Max, here in Tullah, on Holiday with my other Daddy! Its a hard life here.... so much to do....... so much to see........ Hmmmm.. well maybe later!

Love Max

A light that shines forth

To my dearest Friend.. A year has passed once again... and the time for new beginnings.

May your Year be one filled with Happiness, fulfilment, and Wonder.
May your Dreams come true.... May your wishes be granted.

A new Age, a New chapter in your Life.

Enjoy all that this New year offers you, my Friend.

Holiday Max

WEll, Max saw his Other Daddy travel off to Melbourne on the Spirit of Tasmania, watching the big Boat sail past on the Mersey River to the Open sea. Daddy was on the top deck, waving to both Max & Myself.

Now Max's Holiday has begun.
We drove to Burnie to have a pit stop at the Unit, to see all his familiar Unit furniture and have a brief snooze before we set off Down South. It had been a long morning for Max so far. He had been up very early and all the excitement had started to tire him somewhat.

Soon we were off on the road again, driving south to Tullah.

We arrived to the woofs and barks of The Girls at Tullah.. aka Sigrid & Keisha.
Max was in familiar territory again. He had stayed here for a few months previously before moving South to The Huon Valley.

He knew his way around the House, exploring and sniffing the rooms! His garden was still there, and all the new trees to sniff and widdle on was pure joy!

Here you can see Max paddling in the Lake near the House.. the water is cool, as the weather since he arrived in Tullah had been very warm & humid. Maxs loves swimming and paddling in water, something he rarely had the opportunity when he lived in Melbourne. Now he has the Beaches and Rivers in the Huon Valley, and the Lakes here in Tullah, and the Beaches up in Burnie to swim and enjoy!! He is one happy Fella!!!

04 January, 2007

A Holiday to the Max

Well, yesterday I was informed that Max's Other Daddy was taking a Holiday to the Mainland, and Max would like to stay with Me whilst Other Daddy is away for a few days.

It took only a few Nano seconds for me to say YES YES YES!!! (I was excited definitely!)

I will get to see Max again!
I know it is only for a few days but a few days with Max will be just wonderful. Plus I have Max for all of my Days off, so no leaving Max alone whilst I am off at work!

I will see him tomorrow when we drop Other Daddy off at Devonport for his Ferry trip to Melbourne.

Will I sleep tonight?
NUP! I am like an excited kid at Christmas, who is so excited at seeing his special Mate again!!!!

This so makes up for working all of the Christmas/New Year period recently!!

01 January, 2007

Travelling alone

Sometimes when we travel, we travel alone. Not by anything negative, it's just the way our Journeys happen sometimes.

There are times when we cherish these solitary travels, but also times when we would love to have Company to share all that Nature and the Wonders of each day bring.

There are times on our Travels when we are physically alone, but deep down, we have that someone special who is with us on our Journey.
Speak.... and we hear what you see, and what you feel, for distance is no barrier to connected Spirit.

Grey skies never darken that Glow around you..
Always shining...
Removing the gloom that darkenss brings..
Yearning for deeper Happiness and Love.

A New Dawn..

To all my Friends out there, I do hope that this New Year is like a New Day Dawning upon you.

A New Day that brings new Thoughts, new Ideas, new Hopes and new Beginings that bring deep and fulfilled happiness that your inner Being so desires and cherishes.

May your Journey find those moments with whatever, wherever and whomever you meet along your Life's Path.

See those who can See You.

Our thoughts with those we share our Pathways with are truly wonderous and beautiful.

All Buddha wanted was for us to understand our own nature.
Isn't that so simple?
You don't have to believe anything.
Simply by making the right effort, you understand things through your own experience, and gradually develop all realisations
Lama Thubten Yeshe

2006 + 1




and then a New Year rolled on in to us all..............


Happy New Year Everyone!!

Here it is now 2007 and all I can think of is where on Earth did 2006 go?
Seems 2006 was in a hurry to be shelved into the History books, put aside for 2007, hoping that the events of 2006 can be put to rest, and a new Era, a happier, safer Era can begin again for all on this small Planet of ours!!

It is Day 1 of 2007.. lets start the New year with Positive affirmations of Goodwill, Acceptance and Peaceful solutions to old age problems that seem to be infecting all of Humanity.

"May the Living Light shine from your Soul, for all to see!"

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