08 January, 2007


Emotions are like the Weather, forever changing, making one feel calm or wild, cool or warm, never the same.

Today has been one busy and Emotional rollercoaster ride for me.

It began yesterday afternoon, down in Tullah. I had packed up my things and Max's things for our drive up to Burnie. I was rostered to work an early shift the next day.
Plus my Friends Family were descending on Tullah for a weeks family gathering, making it one busy Place!!
AS the last Family member arrived in Tullah, the weather closed in and it became wild, wet & Windy. I thought ..hmmmm.. its a bit too rough to be driving up tonight.
A revision of plan!!
An early wake up and a drive to Burnie this morning was the Plan!!
So at 4:30am off Max & I drove back.

After my shift had finished at Midday, I had a nice R&R time with Max.
At 4:20pm, Max's Other Daddy was due to arrive back in Tas at the Airport.

As time progressed, we arrived at the Airport to collect Other Daddy.
Max was so excited when Other Daddy walked out the arrivals door... His little Tail wagging at the speed of sound !!!!

Back at the Unit we all had some down time, relaxing with some home cooked Dinner, good coffee, and a catch up chat.

Then THAT time arrived!!

Max & Other Daddy loaded up the Car. Max hopped in his Car and then they drove off back to the Huon Valley, back to his Home.

I am always an emotional wreck when someone leaves, but this time I was not just sad, I was also happy.
Happy that Max was going Home to a place he absolutely loves. His Holiday to Burnie & Tullah had come to an end.

This is what we had planned for Max, to have two Homes, two places to be loved in, two places he can be just as he is....... MAX!!

I now sit here with some lovely memories of my time with Max..

..........................but a few tears are coming forth too. (Tissues)


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