04 January, 2007

A Holiday to the Max

Well, yesterday I was informed that Max's Other Daddy was taking a Holiday to the Mainland, and Max would like to stay with Me whilst Other Daddy is away for a few days.

It took only a few Nano seconds for me to say YES YES YES!!! (I was excited definitely!)

I will get to see Max again!
I know it is only for a few days but a few days with Max will be just wonderful. Plus I have Max for all of my Days off, so no leaving Max alone whilst I am off at work!

I will see him tomorrow when we drop Other Daddy off at Devonport for his Ferry trip to Melbourne.

Will I sleep tonight?
NUP! I am like an excited kid at Christmas, who is so excited at seeing his special Mate again!!!!

This so makes up for working all of the Christmas/New Year period recently!!


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