06 January, 2007

To look, then see the Garden

I was out in the garden today after it had rained heavily overnight. It was a cool morning with all the garden covered in rain drops, that still hung to most of the flowers and plants.

To see what Nature offers is truly beautiful. Here I saw the centre of a succulent covered in spiderwebs, a home to one of our many creatures that live in the garden.

The next pic is one of raindrops still attached to the Flower petals of a Poppy in Flower. The design created from nature itself.

Next is a pansy Flower that has the most amazing colours. Both vivid Orange and Purple that have created a visual display that your eye can't miss no matter where you look.

Look at your Garden if you have one, or just look at a Garden on your daily wanders. See, then look at what nature has offered you.


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