28 December, 2006

The Girls

Here are the Girls... Sigrid (left) & Keisha (Right).

They have been busy Girls, having had a few weeks on Flinders Island, where they were able to have great long walks on the wild open Beaches.
It was Keisha's first time there, and she travelled by small plane so well.

On Flinders Island she met her other "Dog Friends"....... Oscar, Scooter & Jetz who live at Emita with my Mate Marc. She adapted so well to her temp new Home with her friends. Sigrid had been there many times before and knew all the places and people she met.

It was a full household with 3 humans and 5 dogs when I was there recently, never a dull or quiet moment.

Now Sigrid & Keisha are back in Tullah, back to the Lakes and Mountains that surround their doggie domain here.

What do we see?

Here we have a Californian Poppy, a beautiful bright Orange flower. First we see the whole flower in all its glory...........

............ but look again........ can you see more to the Flower?

Can you see the centre of the Flower?

The Centre has a delicate piece that seems to have a beautiful structure all to itself, a centrepiece that nature has created in perfect detail that only those who look deeper can see and enjoy.

Look deeper at what you see.........For we do not always see everything.

Look again.......... and see what Nature has created... see what your mind can find, not just your eyes.

Yes... we Have Snow!!

Back in Late October & November 2006, the weather in Tasmania changed from warm & balmy to this sudden Antarctic Cold Air, that changed the landscape of Tasmania into a Winter White Wonder!

All the Mountains and low lying Hills in the district were snow covered. Cold, Crisp Air, with views that sent Cameras around the State clicking wildly.

As you can see it was definitely a white Tassie for a few days.

Return to Eden.. also known as Flinders Island

Back in November I flew to Flinders island for a well deserved break. I had a week off, and I disappeared to this amazing Island once again.

My Friend there had recently moved into his new Home, and I was so keen to see how it looked all set up now. I had only seen it as a working construction site on my last visit.

It was such a pleasure to be able to rest, and gaze out over the sea from the decking, or through the large windows of the bedroom. A place where one could just sit and switch off from the reality of the World.

Flinders island is a place that is so different in so many aspects to the mainland of Australia to the North and the mainland of Tasmania to the South. It seems to have its own identity, its own energy, that gives the place a uniqueness that only Flinders Island itself knows what it holds within its mountains and wild shores.

I so urge anyone to visit this wild and amazing Island, for it stays with you months, years even, after you have left its shores. The only other place I have felt this energy of a Place that never leaves you, coincidently enough, is the Flinders Ranges in South Australia.
Raw, Wild, and Beautiful!!

26 December, 2006

Visitors to Tasmania..

Back in October Tasmania's population increased by 2 for 2 weeks. My parents decided a few weeks back that for their 70th Birthday, they would travel to Tasmania for a Holiday. My Father had been to Tasmania when he was a Teenager, but My Mother has never been here. They were so excited at coming across Bass Strait, as was I, for I had not seen them since the beginning of January 2006 back in South Australia.

On one very unseasonally warm day, my Parents arrived in Burnie flying in from Melbourne. I said I had turned the heat on for them, as it had been very warm back in Melbourne and in South Australia.

I couldn't believe that they were both in Tassie here with me, but here they were. It was so good to see them again.

I had to work during their visit, but I made time to take them out touring this wonderful State. They travelled on a Coach Tour around Tasmania for a week on their own, as I could not have time off work.
I have never seen them so happy when their Tour finished in Burnie a week later, for they had the most wonderful time seeing such varied and beautiful sights and scenery ever.
I had them stay in Tullah twice during their stay, and twice it snowed for them. Like me, they rarely see snow falling, but to see snow falling around the house, and to see the mountains snowcapped, was a most enjoyable moment for them. ON their last drive from Tullah to Burnie, we drove through falling snow, to see them both so excited like kids at Christmas, was an absolute joy!
My Parents still talk about their Tassie trip to anyone who is within earshot .. ;-)

A trip once thought of many times, was now a reality, and well worth the effort to come across Bass Strait!!

I am so glad they made that trip, for the mystery of explaining Tassie to them is now a reality. They can see, feel and experience Tassie in their mind now.

I have been absent ..OOPS!

OOPS, here it is now the end of December and I have not added a posting since October. I am slack!!

Well....So much has happened since my last posting.

Max the Dog (aka the Newest Tasmanian) is now down in Port Huon at his new Home with his other Daddy. I drove him down one day in November to his new Home amongst the Wilderness, Treeferns, and running streams. A place where he can roam the trees, sniff pure air, and wade in streams and rivers that flow from way deep in the South West Wilderness.

When I arrived, Max spotted his other Daddy, and then his Furniture.. He had the biggest smile on his face that only a happy dog can achieve. He rolled on his lounge, jumped up on his bed, and then piddled on a chair, as if to say.. "IT's Mine and I found it!..I'm HOME!"
I was sad to leave him after having him as my companion for a few months, but to see him Home now, was far more gratifying to see. I know he is happy as I get "reports" from his Other Daddy as to what he has been up to.

The enclosed pic is Max at his new Home in Port Huon, at his Front gate, saying Hello to Everyone!!
Click for Strahan, Tasmania Forecast Click for Burnie, Tasmania Forecast