26 December, 2006

I have been absent ..OOPS!

OOPS, here it is now the end of December and I have not added a posting since October. I am slack!!

Well....So much has happened since my last posting.

Max the Dog (aka the Newest Tasmanian) is now down in Port Huon at his new Home with his other Daddy. I drove him down one day in November to his new Home amongst the Wilderness, Treeferns, and running streams. A place where he can roam the trees, sniff pure air, and wade in streams and rivers that flow from way deep in the South West Wilderness.

When I arrived, Max spotted his other Daddy, and then his Furniture.. He had the biggest smile on his face that only a happy dog can achieve. He rolled on his lounge, jumped up on his bed, and then piddled on a chair, as if to say.. "IT's Mine and I found it!..I'm HOME!"
I was sad to leave him after having him as my companion for a few months, but to see him Home now, was far more gratifying to see. I know he is happy as I get "reports" from his Other Daddy as to what he has been up to.

The enclosed pic is Max at his new Home in Port Huon, at his Front gate, saying Hello to Everyone!!


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