28 December, 2006

Return to Eden.. also known as Flinders Island

Back in November I flew to Flinders island for a well deserved break. I had a week off, and I disappeared to this amazing Island once again.

My Friend there had recently moved into his new Home, and I was so keen to see how it looked all set up now. I had only seen it as a working construction site on my last visit.

It was such a pleasure to be able to rest, and gaze out over the sea from the decking, or through the large windows of the bedroom. A place where one could just sit and switch off from the reality of the World.

Flinders island is a place that is so different in so many aspects to the mainland of Australia to the North and the mainland of Tasmania to the South. It seems to have its own identity, its own energy, that gives the place a uniqueness that only Flinders Island itself knows what it holds within its mountains and wild shores.

I so urge anyone to visit this wild and amazing Island, for it stays with you months, years even, after you have left its shores. The only other place I have felt this energy of a Place that never leaves you, coincidently enough, is the Flinders Ranges in South Australia.
Raw, Wild, and Beautiful!!


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