28 December, 2006

The Girls

Here are the Girls... Sigrid (left) & Keisha (Right).

They have been busy Girls, having had a few weeks on Flinders Island, where they were able to have great long walks on the wild open Beaches.
It was Keisha's first time there, and she travelled by small plane so well.

On Flinders Island she met her other "Dog Friends"....... Oscar, Scooter & Jetz who live at Emita with my Mate Marc. She adapted so well to her temp new Home with her friends. Sigrid had been there many times before and knew all the places and people she met.

It was a full household with 3 humans and 5 dogs when I was there recently, never a dull or quiet moment.

Now Sigrid & Keisha are back in Tullah, back to the Lakes and Mountains that surround their doggie domain here.


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