24 July, 2006

Gyuto Tibetan Monks

"Every person whose heart is moved by love and compassion, who deeply and sincerely acts for the benefit of others without concern for fame, profit, social position, or recognition expresses the activity of Chenrezig."

Chenrizig.. the Buddha of Compassion that the Dalai Lama is the reincarnation of...

When I was a Child, I had no idea where Tibet was, what a Dalai Lama was, what even a Buddhist Monk was.
I grew up on a Farm in rural South Australia. Yet these words seem to echo my own thoughts from seemingly a young age. They were strong thoughts, but as a child you never really understand why you think them, other than they are there. As one grows older, these thoughts become mixed with the teachings and experiences of "growing up". It is easy to lose them.

It was 1996 in Adelaide. I was studying Photography, a passion I was very keen on then. One day one of my fellow students asked me to assist her with photographing the daily events of The Gyuto Tibetan Monks, who were creating a Sand Mandala at the Adelaide Museum.

I was so naive.. Tibetan Who? Making a What?

So I went along for the ride, thinking... "Its a new thing, and thats why we are here.. to Learn!"

And my Life changed!

Mandala '. all who see it will be blessed'.

I was in the presence of the most Compassionate, Harmonious, Peaceful People I had ever experienced.
I was in awe of what a Sand Mandala and its creation, its meaning, its energy represented to all who viewed it.
I watched this daily creation of the most wonderful visual representation of Life.
When you walked into The Room where the Mandala was being created, you felt at peace with yourself, you felt absolute compassion, you felt like this room was the only thing that existed in the Universe.
When you walked outside you felt the harsh reality of Urban lifestyle, a pace so fast, a feeling of not wanting to be there. Almost stifling!

During one of my visits to the Museum, one of the Monks touched me on the Shoulder. He paused for a second, I felt this feeling of complete peace within myself. I could not explain it in words til now, for I did not understand what it was back then.
Then he spoke.
He said I am a "Master of my Own Destiny!"
"You are a deep soul, Remember who you are, never forget!"

I understand what he meant now.

A few months later I was invited by a Friend to a House in Second Valley, a Place that was called 'Namaste'.
Here I discovered that the Tibetan Monks had stayed a week earlier.
Was this by chance or by divine intervention I was in the same place as the Monks.
I will never know really, but this Place was one of Peace & Beauty. Tucked away in the rolling Hills south of Adelaide, with views of the bright blue sea.
It is from the Gyuto Monks Website that I have discovered the Monks now have an Australian Base called "Gyuto House" in Second Valley, not far from this House of Peace & Beauty.
Second Valley is a magic place, it has an energy that is so difficult to describe in words, but so very easy to describe in thoughts.

I have pondered.
I have thought long & hard.
I have wondered for years What the Monks words meant.
It was a turning point in my life, but I just didn't take understand back then.

Now I do!

And an Awakening is a wonderous feeling to experience.

"The Gyuto Monks are masters of Tibetan Buddhist tantric ritual and their lives are dedicated to practicing tantric ideals. To be with them, to observe and be touched by their humanity, is to see kindness in action."


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