26 July, 2006

The newest Tasmanian......

In a previous Post, I was quoted as saying that I am hoping all goes to Schedule and that Max arrives in Tasmania on the 25th July....

Yesterday Max arrived by Aircraft at 10:40am, after an hours delay leaving Melbourne due to heavy fog.

I was waiting ever so patiently on the outside, but inside I was sooooo excited, and was watching every minute tick by.

....and suddenly, there it was, His Plane, touching down on the Runway!!
My heart skipped a beat or 3!
OMG..MAX is here in Tasmania.
I watched the Plane taxi to the Terminal, the Cargo Hold door open, and then a Dog Cage was lowered to the Trolley!!!!
OMG...OMG....OMG...MAX is HERE!!!!!!!!!
(I think I was a bit excited at this stage!!)
I had not seen My Max for over 2 months now, and here he was in Tasmania. He was one very happy Dog, He spotted 'His Car', and he looked so happy. He jumped in and sat on 'his' Console like he used to back in Melbourne.
His other Daddy had accompanied Max to Tasmania for the Day, to see him settled, and to have a Day Out from all the frenentic Melb lifestyle.
Max enjoyed his day out. Running and sniffing at all the new Country smells. He had so much fun running at Table Cape, and the big long sandy beaches at Stanley.
He visited his Dog Boarding Place too, to 'view' his "Holiday" Room.
Max will stay at a Boarding Kennel whilst I am working, as I do not have the space for him to run and play in at my Unit where I stay when I am working.
But on my days off he will be taken to places far & wide to run, sniff & explore his new Home here in Tassie!!
Stay tuned for more adventures of MAX.. the Newest Tasmanian!!!


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