31 July, 2006

A complete circle

It has been nearly a week since Max the Dog arrived in Tasmania. He has been an absolute delight to have around again, that happy little face looking up at you.

Last night I was sitting on the back steps listening to the rain on the roof.
(It rains a lot here in Tullah).
Max was outside on the doormat eating his dinner.
I thought to myself, how odd, yet wonderful at the same time that Max is here with Me in Tullah...

....why Odd?

Well over 6 months ago I was sitting here on these steps, or walking beside the Lake, thinking how good it would be if Max could be here too, enjoying the fresh air, and open spaces like I am right now.

And here it is now July and I have Max here enjoying the walks by the Lake, and enjoying the open spaces and fresh air.

...its like a full circle has occurred!


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