24 July, 2006


I am watching a DVD called "Chocolat".

I love this movie.

It stars Juliette Binoche, and Dame Judy Dench.

It is a story of a Free-spitited Wanderer, roaming wherever the Winds take her, to places many will never see.
She arrives in a French Village where change has not occured for over 100 years. Everyone has no individality, no free spirit. One person decides how one behaves in this Village, for to challenge this way, you are no longer welcome. The collective mind is a hard barrier to cross.
One day the Winds of Change arrive in this Village, and the lives of many are changed forever. An awakening comes!!

I so enjoy this Movie. It shows great passion, of a Person who dares challenge the collective thinking, to dare speak ones own voice, to show an individual spirit in a society where thinking is forbidden, and your lifestyle is decided by so few.

It seems to represent the journey that we are all on, that we are all free spirits, free to roam wherever the Winds of Change take us. To be Ones own Self!

There is a line in the movie that I was so moved by....
to show Kindness....
We cannot Measure our goodness by what we don't do, by what we deny ourselves, what we resist, and who we exclude......
We measure goodness by what we embrace, what we create, and who we include!"

It just moves me so much! For they are words I have always had within!


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