01 October, 2006

What do you see?

When you first looked at this photo, what did you see?

Did you see a tree?
Did you see stones?
Did you see water?

You looked at all 3 things, but your mind only processed one of these at a time.

Such is life when you see things around you. You may only see 1 thing initially, but when you look deeper & closer you begin to see many other things closely associated with what you first looked at.

We do this so often in life. We look at something and usually see only one thing, then our mind processes that one piece of information. We tend to make our minds up on that one piece of information. We see only a limited choice, a narrow view of what we have seen.

Look closer, look deeper, take the time to see what the whole picture has to offer you. You may be surprised at what you see.

So many today only see a limited view of what is around us. So many make their decisions on those limited choices. So many never see more than what is on the surface.

Take the time to look deeper.

Be brave.... Be strong.... and Open Your Eyes!


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