01 October, 2006

Where you go.. WE go too!!

You may have noticed that in a lot of the pics on this Blog site, the Dogs are ever present wherever I go.

You will see the Keeshonds, "Sigrid & Keisha", and "Max" the newest Tasmanian in various locations around Tassie.

They are wonderful travellers.

What a diverse Island I live on

What a diverse Island I live on..A place called Tasmania. In the last month I have walked and touched but a small number of wonderous places here.

I have walked along one of the widest sandiest beaches I have ever seen. So untouched by Human development, so wild that Nature is in complete charge. You walk the beaches that rarely see another human footprint... it may be months before another person walks this stretch of beach... time for any footprints to be buried beneath the wind driven sands. I came here with my Friend, and the Dogs, to let them run free.. to let them run with the wind in their faces. We walked, and walked, and walked, seeing many varied and wonderful scenes that Nature has created along this wild Coastline. You can hear the Sea roar, feel its powerful energy surging onto the beaches, crash over the rocks, waves driven by the Earth that have come from distances so vast. Sea and Sand meet here, every wave crashing onto the rocks in a thunderous boom, waves surging onto the beaches, then retreating, then returning again, as they have done so for centuries. Its wild, its open, its freedom to the Soul.

Only last weekend I experienced another wonderous moment on this ancient Land. For the first time I witnessed snow falling. Now I can hear a lot of you saying.. "Snow..Bah!!..Been there..Done that!!!"
But I have never been in a real snowfall. I have walked in snow, but on sunny clear days, and the snow is thin and melting.
Now I was standing outside feeling those soft flakes land on my face, on my arms, on my hair. I was like an excited kid.. I have always wondered what snow was like to be in when it falls.
I could not stop standing in it.. feeling how soft it felt. Usually the only icy stuff I have felt is either sleet or hail , and that is hard driven ice.. not very enjoyable at all!!
Driving through this snow covered landscape was an exciting experience. Seeing snowdrifts along the roadside, paddocks and grasslands, tree ferns and trees snow topped, It was another world I had only previously read about. Snow falling in Tasmania. Now I have experienced another of Natures many moods that create and shape this small but wonderful Landscape.

There is so much to see on this Island. I have only scratched the surface as to what is here. There is so much more to see, each day brings another visual and sensory delight.

Art in Nature

Here we see Nature creating a canvas, a living piece of artwork, a painting that is alive.

Look ... and See.... and you will experience Nature creating wonderful artworks right in front of you.

See how light from the Sun is creating wonderous colours on the submerged rocks. So simple a process, so creative in beauty.


What do you see?

When you first looked at this photo, what did you see?

Did you see a tree?
Did you see stones?
Did you see water?

You looked at all 3 things, but your mind only processed one of these at a time.

Such is life when you see things around you. You may only see 1 thing initially, but when you look deeper & closer you begin to see many other things closely associated with what you first looked at.

We do this so often in life. We look at something and usually see only one thing, then our mind processes that one piece of information. We tend to make our minds up on that one piece of information. We see only a limited choice, a narrow view of what we have seen.

Look closer, look deeper, take the time to see what the whole picture has to offer you. You may be surprised at what you see.

So many today only see a limited view of what is around us. So many make their decisions on those limited choices. So many never see more than what is on the surface.

Take the time to look deeper.

Be brave.... Be strong.... and Open Your Eyes!
Click for Strahan, Tasmania Forecast Click for Burnie, Tasmania Forecast