22 July, 2006


This is Mikey.
He was a Miniature Fox Terrier, and he lived for 15 years.

This is his story.
Well it was 15 years ago, that I brought home this tiny little bundle of wriggling puppy that fitted snugly in the palm of your hand. Now this is the first time I had bought a dog that wasn't a farm Dog. I lived on the Family Farm at this stage, and all the dogs we had over the years were Kelpie breeds of some description.
Why did I buy a small dog that seemed so out of place on a Farm? I have no idea really other than this tiny little puppy was just too cute to pass me by.
So off Home we went to a Big Farm with even Bigger dogs!
Mikey lived on the Farm for around 10 to 11 years, creating a name and a character for himself and trying to be One of the BIG DOGS. He would ride on the Tractor, the 4-wheeled Bike, the Cars, and generally behaving like a Big Dog trapped in a little Dog's body. He was ya Mate! He went everywhere with you, even on trips into Town, and even on bigger trips to Adelaide. He loved to ride in the Car, seeing what out beyond the Front Gate.
Eventually My parents sold their Farm and moved into Town. Mikey came too. It wasn't long before he was the Boss of his new House and had Mum & Dad wrappd around his little Paw!
I had, by this time, moved to Adelaide and Melbourne. Mikey stayed at Home with Mum & Dad, it was better that he stay in his Home environment, and not be cooped up in a Big City with no space to run free.
Dad would refer to him as "Boss!".. and he became Dad's companion. When my Dad had his Stroke some years ago, the first thing My Dad said was that he had to get home so that Mikey wouldn't be lonely. Mikey was a pivotal key in Dad's recovery, being there all the time and giving my Dad a focus when he was at his lowest ebb.
Mikey's character had bossomed over the years, and when he would go on his Trips to Adelaide, or be cared for by the Neighbours, they all stated he is a Character, not a Dog.
I believe all our Pets have a distinct Character, and thats how we get so much love and fun from our beloved Pets.

But as time went on, Mikey aged, and years of hard running and falling off tractors, and Bikes, and laps, took its toll on his poor joints. Arthritis set in, and on each visit Home I would see poor Miky hobble around. He still had a strong will, and no stiff joint would stop him from going outside when he wanted to, or a ride in the Car. You could almost hear him speak, "No stiff old bones will stop me mate!!".

But on a day after I was mourning the sudden loss of my Cat, Olly, I received a Phone Call from my Mum, to say that Mikey had died suddenly from Heart Failure in her arms!!

First my Cat, then my Dog, what next I thought?
My heart was so empty!


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