21 July, 2006

I am a Solitary Light.

My Blog title... "A Solitary Light on the Highway of Life".. is one that came to me one day after driving back to Tullah from Burnie one dark rainy night. I had finished work in Burnie and it was afer 11:30pm. I was about halfway down the Murchison Highway, it was very dark, it was raining heavily, the Car lights were doing their best to pierce the night, and this thought came to me out of the Blue.... I am alone out here, its just Me, a single solitary light on this lonely Highway. It then came to me that this is what my Life is.. a Journey! I am a Solitary Light, I am travelling on my own Personal Highway on this Planet. Where is the end of the Road? I do not know, for the horizon is endless. Our Highway through Life is what we make of it, what direction we take with it, and how far we wish to travel on any given Day!
Thats why I called this Blog.. "A Solitary Light on the Highway of Life".
WE are but the only one in charge of our life, no one else is. Other people are but fellow Travellers whom we meet along the way.

"A Star is but a single light out there in the Universe, but together they make a wonderful picture!"


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